To those who have donated, we cannot thank you enough! Its because of you my family has progressed this far!

DONATIONS: I am currently struggling financially to keep things afloat. I found it hard to maintain everything myself. I lost my job I had for 8 years, I tried everything I could to make it work but between Doc appointments, Rehab Appointments, raising my son, household choirs and so much more, I just could not do it.

WHAT ARE DONATIONS USED FOR?As Kanlayas full time caregiver, I have to cook, clean, transfer her, clean her, shower her, exercise her, administer medications and so much more. Its near impossible to bring in an income, so donations are used for:

  • Outstanding medical bills (my medical insurance was not helpful unfortunately with most of the expenses for medical and mostly Rehab)
  • Rehab Equipment
  • Mortgage
  • I'm trying to save up to get Kanlaya back to Thailand to visit her family, no one has seen her since this has happened. It's something I feel so guilty as a husband that I cannot afford to do.
  • Ty's School Expensise
  • Saving up for a new car that can handle our situation.
  • Our home was not built for our situation, so many adjustments need to be made.
  • Cost of Living (Loosing my job and became my wife's full time caregiver has been a struggle. It has been extremely difficult caring for my family and doing everything while trying to bring in an income.